By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement....Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Oredr NowThis is Nasim Mahmud LIkhon here. B.S.c in CSE. Daffodil International University. I am a very simple person. have many dreams and I strongly believe that I will fulfill my dreams and one more thing is my hobby isphotography.So, keep me in your prayers.
Github ProfileHaving a good time with friends is even better when done eating burgers. It’s just a piece of meat between buns and other stuff, but it makes a lot of people happy.
I wouldn't exactly call it 'cooking' but I can make noodles. That means I can boil water, put the pasta in and wait until it's done. Memory, in my opinion, is a complete noodle.
“That's because Tod never brings anything but death and bad advice," I snapped. "That's not true." Tod tried to grin, "Sometimes I bring pizza.”
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